A graphical representation of a data cooperative

Data Cooperative Working Group

Started in 2021, The Data Cooperative Working Group is an informal, international forum for practitioners, researchers and those interested in the development of data cooperatives as a democratic and accountable

A graphic that says Happy New Year 2022

A Year in Open Data Manchester 2021 – a rather busy one indoors…

We wrote that 2020 was a year like no other – while 2021 – was one where things felt a bit too much like more of the same. In the

Text reading 'data coops' repeated in orange and blue

Introducing the new Data Cooperatives Working Group – in collaboration with Aapti Institute

At ODM, we’re very interested in understanding how best to help people get control of their data – and since 2014 – we’ve been exploring the century-old idea of a

Pile of plastic waste, including bottle, tied up in plastic bags

Introducing the Plastics Packaging Portal – supported by Innovate UK to tackle a million-tonne waste problem

Open Data Manchester is delighted to have teamed up with fellow local social venture, and waste-data experts, Dsposal for a new Innovate UK R&D project created to help tackle the

A plate of biscuits and a cup of tea on a desk.

Join our team as a fundraiser or a business analyst

We’re growing here at Open Data Manchester – and that means three brand-new opportunities to join our team – particularly if you have an understanding of ethical use of data, data

Co-op logo in blue writing on white background

Co-operative Group signs up to the Declaration – find out how you can get involved too

Using data ethically, whether in the ways we collect, use and share data, or how we design systems that use it, is key to the Declaration for Responsible and Intelligent Data