Report and video: what we’ve learned about designing a data cooperative

Open Data Manchester has been working with the Carbon Co-op for the past year to develop and test a data-cooperative model for small, energy cooperatives like theirs. The project was

How to Build a Data Cooperative with Astha Kapoor, Hays Witt and Julian Tait

We know that increasing amounts of data exist identifying who we are and what we do, much of which is controlled and used by private companies, so there is growing

A mixture of sweets or candy

Share a skill, passion or data puzzle with the community in an upcoming Pick N Mix session

Pick N Mix is a tasty selection of free, online workshops run by members of the ODM community where you get introduced to a new tool, resource or skill in

A crowd of cartoon graphics of a male individual all coloured green, with one picked out in red

Watch the series: Politics, Policy and the Algorithm – how automated decision-making is shaping our lives

We launched a series of three public events where local, national and international experts delved into some of the huge questions we must ask ourselves in a world that’s increasingly

Image on an Earthsense Zephyr air quality sensor

Supporting Our Streets Chorlton to collect data about its local neighbourhood

Clean air is vital for healthy, happy living and as part of the Our Streets Chorlton project, Open Data Manchester will be measuring air quality using two Earthsense Zephyr solar-powered